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Won 180 Quarter Midget races


Won 9 NCQMA Championships and 91 features at his home track in Salisbury NC


Won 8 Dixie Shootout Regional Championships


4 USAC .25 QM National Championships


Won 8 Battle at the Brickyard races at Indianapolis (largest USAC national QM event each year)


Won 17 USAC .25 QM national races


Competed at 19 different tracks over his eight year Quarter Midget career


Small in stature but large in maturity and coachability, Nick has been taking advanced classes in school since the fourth grade, earning almost entirely straight A’s while also working his way through Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Life Rank and currently pursuing his Eagle Scout Rank.

Nick started racing at the age of six in Quarter Midgets at his home club in Salisbury, North Carolina. Nick amassed 180 wins and 9 championships in multiple classes over his eight year career. Among his victories, 91 feature event wins came within the North Carolina Quarter Midget Association. During this time, Nick has represented his sponsors well through his on track performance, research and development for various products, and business activation with the partners he endorses.

For 2019 Nick stepped up to full-size stock cars, competing in a Pro Late Model under the direction of his father, Andy Loden, a many-time winner and champion in NASCAR Late Models and Super Late Models. Today, fans of Andy are excited to see the Loden name continue its success within the motorsports industry with Nick. Nick knows the importance of helping up and coming quarter midget drivers find success on the pavement, in order to create a path for them to excel into the future levels of racing, just as he is doing. 

2020 brings two new series and a step up in the level of competition for the personable youngster. Nick will compete in both the newly-formed Carolina Pro Late Model Series (a nine-race series run at tracks in the Carolinas) and the Allen Turner Memorial Series (all races held at Five Flags Speedway in Pensecola, Florida)  this season, meaning more travel and new challenges.  

When Nick isn't behind the wheel of a racecar, he finds his way to the flag stand back at his old home track NCQMA, volunteering his time as the official flagman. When individuals hear the name 'Nick Loden' they think - Loyalty, Sportsmanship, Determination, and Quality. Families look up to Nick and the rest of the Loden family as role models to their team and drivers.


EDUCATION // 9th grader at East Lincoln High School

BIRTHDATE // November 13, 2004

HOMETOWN // Stanley, North Carolina

RACING SERIES // Pro Late Model

HOBBIES // Working towards being an Eagle Scout 

GENERATION DRIVER // 2nd Generation


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